Action for Children offers an array of free services to support quality early learning for children in the classroom and at home, including parent support and education. Action for Children merged The Art of Positive Parenting (TAPP) into the agency in 2001 to extend parenting education classes and workshops in the region. Since then, we’ve been developing curriculum that empowers parents and guardians to be the best they can be for their children.
Action for Children understands that parenting and family life are deeply personal. There are many different parenting styles, and many different philosophies about the best way to raise children. We are here to share some skills with you that have worked for tens of thousands of parents in the greater Columbus area for more than 40 years. We respect your right as a parent to try or not try them, to believe or not believe in their value. We ask that, in differences of opinion between you and your instructor or you and other parents, you be willing to “agree to disagree”! But we hope you’ll at least try to use the information that we provide! The Art of Positive Parenting is a program of Action for Children.
To learn more about Action for Children’s services for parents, guardians, and child care professionals, visit www.actionforchildren.org or call 614-224-0222.